Kyra Pellegrino (2nd place 17-18 girls 3000m Race Walk)
After standing for 5 hours in 88 degree heat to get Covid tested, my Race Walk getting delayed 2 hours, only allowed to warm up for 5 minutes, and standing in a tent for an hour before my race. I never imagined the outcome I was able to produce. I was hungry, dehydrated (even though I was drinking plenty), lethargic and lightheaded. All of this were things I have never experienced before! Even with all of this going on, I made so many new Race Walking friends along the way! From doing a huge cool down with everyone to playing Uno to make the waiting time for the Covid Testing to go by faster. Wasn’t my best 3k, but the conditions handed to me, I’m super proud of myself for pushing through and staying strong!
competition has ended